successful families(how to have a successful family)

Successful Families ​—Teamwork

Does your marriage mate seem more like a roommate?

When a conflict arises, a husband and wife who are not a team will tend to attack each other rather than the problem. Minor issues will turn into major obstacles.

“Teamwork is the essence of marriage. If my husband and I weren’t a team, we would be roommates instead of marriage mates​—two people who live together but who aren’t on the same page when it comes to important decisions.”​—Alexandra.



  • Do I view the money I earn as “all mine”?

  • To relax fully, do I need to be away from my spouse?

  • Do I keep my distance from my spouse’s relatives, even though he or she is close to them?


  • In what aspect(s) of our marriage do we work well as a team?

  • In what aspect(s) could we improve?

  • What steps can we take to improve our spirit of teamwork?


  • Imagine a tennis match with the two of you on opposite sides of the net. Instead, what practical steps can you take to join your spouse so that you are both on the same team?

  • Instead of thinking, ‘How can I win?’ think ‘How can we both win?’

“Forget about who is right and who is wrong. That isn’t as important as having peace and unity in your marriage.”​—Ethan.

BIBLE PRINCIPLE: “Look out not only for your own interests, but also for the interests of others.”​—Philippians 2:3, 4.

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