How to handle| second marriage(second marriage girl mobile number)

 Making a Second Marriage Work

Second marriage is a union of two people who have already been married once and are now considering getting married again. Second marriages are often more successful than first marriages because the couple has already been through the ups and downs of a relationship. This can make second marriages more stable and less likely to end in divorce.

There are a few things to keep in mind when getting married for the second time. First, make sure you are both on the same page about what you want out of the relationship. Second, make sure you are both committed to each other. Third, make sure you are both willing to work hard to make the relationship work.

HERMAN: “My first wife died of cancer after we had been married for 34 years. When I remarried, my wife Linda felt that I was always comparing her to my first wife. To make matters worse, old friends often talked about my late wife’s fine qualities, and this upset Linda.”

LINDA: “After Herman and I married, I felt that I was living in the shadow of his first wife. She was so well-loved, soft-spoken, and refined. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever be as close to him as she was.”
Herman and Linda are happy that they found each other. Linda, who divorced her first husband, even calls Herman her “knight in shining armor.” Yet, as they acknowledge, a second marriage may bring challenges that never existed in a first marriage.

The secret of family happiness
If you have remarried, how do you feel about your second marriage? A wife named Tamara, who remarried three years after her divorce, says: “When you marry for the first time, there is that special feeling that your marriage will last forever. But with a second marriage, you may not have that feeling, as you are always aware that your first marriage ended.”

Nevertheless, many couples have found deep and lasting happiness after remarrying. They made their marriage a success—and you can be successful too! How? Consider three common challenges and how Bible principles can help you to meet them.

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